Friday, April 6, 2012


Today we dyed easter eggs with Nonna. She got special hippie die. The colors were really pretty...but you'd sure hope so after soaking them for 10 minutes per egg. :-)
 Thank you mom for hosting them.


Laurie said...

Al's hair is darling. And lucky Nonna to get to dye eggs with the girls. (not really. This is my 2nd most hated holiday craft. 1st? Carving the Halloween Pumpkin).

Let's see some pix of those fancy-schmancy eggs!

Sue said...

so friggin' cute! And I second Laurie's "Holiday Hates" - guess we did it too many years . . . or maybe we are just duds.

zaideafraidey said...

yay for Nonna, Zaide does love her some craft projects....dying eggs (and carving pumpkins) not being among them!! What is wrong with us???

Laurie said...

Obvs. us Sundstroms were scarred for life by The Easter Massacre and cannot deal with any sort of reminders...

zaideafraidey said...

just mentioning that episode to a customer the other day!!

jillybean said...

I do like to dye Easter eggs but for the dye getting under my fingernails and around my cuticles. It takes days for the color to finally go away.