Monday, May 21, 2012


We have had a sick chicken that Maddie has been nursing back to health. Unfortunately that meant that "Allie" (the chicken) spent a few nights inside and has gotten a lot of coddling. Maddie loves when her ladies come inside. She thinks it's hilarious. The other night she kept trying to put the chicken on the kitchen table to which kip adamantly insisted that that was not okay. After several attempts and several denials Maddie finally came to her own conclusion.

Kip: Maddie, please do not put your chicken on the table.
Maddie: If a chicken is on the table does that mean it's dinner?


Laurie said...

haha, correct Mads.

B-Z insisted on telling us the horrific story of how the dead chicken met its demise. I may never eat chicken again. And for sure won't allow her to tell any stories about them while I'm eating lunch.

Meg said...

At the Prentice house it is:). Pretty cute.

zaideafraidey said...

love those two sleeping twins.

jillybean said...

I love seeing Maddie set the table minus the chicken as the main course.