Wow! Twin Travel Beds for sure!
Ok - no more denial that you had anything to do with your children!
Look at the zoo pic with Zaide, Mads and Al in front of the sign. You two have exactly the same expression with the tongue out!
You are without a doubt look-alikes.
possible you don't have to claim Mads but NO DOUBT that Allie is yours!!
That's freaky.
Freaky cute...of course.
That's the Lis I remember best!
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Wow! Twin Travel Beds for sure!
Ok - no more denial that you had anything to do with your children!
Look at the zoo pic with Zaide, Mads and Al in front of the sign. You two have exactly the same expression with the tongue out!
You are without a doubt look-alikes.
possible you don't have to claim Mads but NO DOUBT that Allie is yours!!
That's freaky.
Freaky cute...of course.
That's the Lis I remember best!
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