Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Our new chickens are dumb. They are constantly hanging out in the nesting boxes. And you know what they do? They crap. And it's gross. But chicken little here cleans it up. I'm wondering how much longer I have before it's me out there doing it.


Laurie said...

Such a good Laura Ingalls, this one. Chickens are gross AND stupid. But the eggs are nice.

Sue said...

I think Miss Chicken Little will ALWAYS take care of her ladies - I think she has the Gramma Sundstrom gene when it comes to animal farms . . .

Sue said...

ps - are new ladies "broody"? that might have something to do with it . . .

Lis said...

I have no idea sue! I will look into that. Thanks for the tip.

jillybean said...

Maddie is so good at tending to her chickens. It is so cute to watch her with the ladies.