Saturday, March 23, 2013

Aunt Jamie

Took the girls to the driving range today while I worked. They both had a lot of questions:

Jamie What does theoretically mean?

Do you know how to get to your house from here?

How do you know your neighborhood?
Why are we going golf coursing?

Last time I went golf coursing we made sushi. It was a great day. Are we making sushi?

Allie: last time we had sushi, Maddie didn't eat all her sushi. We bought it at Costco.

How big is your slide at your park?

What does relatively big mean?

BUT they both had a blast. And apparently uncle Matt can THROW the ball 30 yards.


jillybean said...

What a great afternoon with Aunt Jamie and Uncle Matt.
Maddie's comment to me was that she didn't hit her ball very far but she had a lot of fun hitting the balls. Maybe they will get hooked on golf like their aunt and uncle?!?

sonja said...
