Sunday, November 3, 2013

Husky or chihuahua?

I kind of want to go back and buy these hats after looking at these pictures. Allie for some reason was convinced they were chihuahuas. Don't clue. 

Of course both girls begged for books (we were at the U Bookstore) and how do you really say no to a book? So they asked and received and we stayed out a bit past their bedtimes. 

Allie and Maddie still love writing on the chalkboard. Allie asks for help with letters, Maddie obliges and then gets screamed at for writing them on Allie's side of the board. 

Saturday night we capped off with a swim with friends at the Bellevue Club. They had a giant inflatable toy to play on but both girls wanted only to play in the "bath" as Allie called it. 

1 comment:

jillybean said...

I still do love a book that you can hold and turn the pages. The girls sure do love to read. When Allie goes down for a nap here she takes a huge pile of books with her. Cute 'dawg' photos.