Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter!

Easter Thoughts:
1. The kids were dying to go hunt eggs.  At 6:30 AM.
2.  They all ended up with about the same amount of eggs.  Thank goodness.
3. They all, we all, ate way too much sugar.
4. It was awesome everyone made it over for the hunt.
5. Marshmallow guns are a 7 year old boy's dream come true.
6. Everyone wants to hang out with Ethan.
7. On the trampoline.
8. The bunny footprints were a hit.
9. It is impossible to get a group photo with 5 kids all looking at the camera. 


Kathleen Mullaney said...

what fun!

Sue said...

Looks like some big boys were smitten with the marshmallow bazooka as well

jillybean said...

It was a wonderful Easter morning over in West Seattle. The weather was beautiful, the food was fabulous and plentiful, and the kids and adults had a great time.

Kathleen Mullaney said...
