Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mind. Blown.

Driving in the car today the girls were talking about babies, marriage, eggs and all sorts of topics I was hoping to get off of ASAP.  Maddie announced that she definitely wants to have kids so I asked her what my name should be for Grandma.  She replied, "Lis!" (duh!) So I asked why and she said that that's how it worked.  Nonna's name is Nonna, didn't you know?  I wish I could have captured the look on her face when I told her Nonna's name is Patty.

(And some random photos that never got posted from Maddie's horseback adventure with Zaide)

1 comment:

jillybean said...

How funny is the name story. Maddie sure loves horses. She is so calm and confident.