Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Today the girls and I ventured out to Brady, WA (no zip code so the closest town is Elma) to visit a friend's ranch. We opted to fly (30 min vs 1.5 hours in the car). Both girls took a turn up front and had a blast flying the plane. At the farm we petted a cow, checked out some chickens, rode a horse, swam in the river and generally went nonstop for the day. Maddie wanted to send a thank you text while we were in the air and I think it pretty much sums it up. "Thank you for showing us everything you are so nice you took time out of your day you showed us your horses,cows ,chickens.  you even let me ride the horse I had a great day! By Maddie"

This barn is 100 years old. It's beautiful. 

1 comment:

jillybean said...

What a great way to travel ... flying with mom. Maddie and Allie look so cute with the headsets on. The girls talked about this trip for the next two days I saw them. I love the photo of Maddie leading the horse. How cool.