Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Freaky Friday

Just before this picture was taken I got stung by a hornet on my finger. I was flinging my hand trying to get it off of me and my rings fell off and down under the deck...or so I thought. They both happened to land on top of the deck but my loving husband let me crawl underneath there looking for them saying that we'd likely need a metal detector to find 'em. He's not as nice as he looks in the picture :-)


Katie said...

cute pics! i love Mads' little skirt, i kinda want one of my own... :) and that Kip is so mean. but we knew that.

Hope said...

That corn shot is SO CUTE!!! She looks straight off the farm!! SO CUTE!!!

Meg said...

Love her little 'boho chic' skirt. Look out Olson Twins...or course Mads is about trabillion times cuter and probably weighs more than the anorexic one. And Kip is such a dick...but a little funny.

zaideafraidey said...

I think he has always been this way, sorry. Must have had something to do with the potty training and hiding in the closet. Wierd things can happen in there development wise.

Laurie said...

ha ha, Kip HAS always been a wittle bit mean (at least to girls). I think it is because his nickname was Toj. And Maddie's skirt is too cute, esp topless. She and Tatum need to hang out together, she's on her way to bag lady chic!

Val said...

Cute pics, funny story about the ring, I would have been freaking out and gone under the deck too... actually I would have made Kevin go under the deck. Glad you found them. And that skirt is SO cute!

Sue said...

another reason Kip can't move into the batchelor pad with Bob abd Koo Koo