Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Zoo Doo

Off to Woodland Park for B-Z's birthday. It was a lot of fun and Megan is not someone you should go to the zoo with...she's not a big fan of the animals nor are they a fan of her. When we got there a goose charged u!s (Megan specifically if you ask her) and Megan was GONE in no time flat


Katie said...

ha ha, don't worry Meg, that's how I feel about the aquarium - imagine the horror if an octopus could charge at you! :O at least it wasn't that mean peacock they have wandering around the Zoo...

Hope said...

Ok - I emailed Meg to make sure I wouldn't be offending any family members I couldn't recognize from the back end and I have been assured that I am safe. Lis? Love the pics but you are going to have to photoshop the one with the random crack. :)

Meg said...

I think the peacock was eyeing me! Lis, great job on the butt crack pic...too funny. We had a lot of fun with you guys at the zoo, at least as much fun that can be had at the zoo:).

zaideafraidey said...

thank god, when I got to the bc pic I was horrified until I was myself across the way. I was a VERY fun day and the girls were wonderful.

Lis said...

The crack pic was just too funny not to post. Please tell me if my jeans ever get that low!

Unknown said...

Maybe we'll tell you Lis...or maybe we'll let the pic speak for itself, but it is hilarious!

Laurie said...

great birthday party site, Zaide! Wish I had been there too. And I'm assuming Mrs. BC is a stranger? So we can make fun of her all we want (well we'd do that anyway I guess) LOL Megs, you must still be suffering family zoo scrap noodle horror. You and Car would always run thru the zoo at top speed. See you have not changed a whit.

Val said...

I wondered about the crack shot too. Glad it is a stranger. Looks like fun times at the zoo, the gorillas look like they gave you a great view!