Tuesday, June 10, 2008

bRAT Pack


Laurie said...

Baby Develops Temper! We are dealing with that with little Mikey (he's pretty easy-going actually, but the terrible two's do strike every now and then and he has to have a tiny time-out. It's hard not to laugh when he goes to sit in his chair with his head hanging down and his shoulders all slumped in shame)

zaideafraidey said...

you must have pinched her, she is NEVER a brat, as a matter of fact I always leave thinking of just how sweet she is. Today I came in the living room and she was laying next to Jilly with their noses touching. She was very gently caressing Jilly and poking her eyes. It was darling.

Meg said...

Love it, she totally looks bratty, especially with that sassy little hair.

Hope said...

Well, it's good to see that even the best of the best have little tempers. :)