Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday 8.30.09- Snoqualmie Falls

Thanks SoPHEEA and Tiss

Sophia and Chris brought Madeline with them up to Snoqualmie Falls today. I went to the grocery store by myself...bliss. How pathetic is that? They also managed to take a couple of cell phone pics of the girls.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

1 & 4

Allie is officially one month old. Kip & I have officially been married for four years. To celebrate Zaide and Baba took Madeline to the Mariners game while Kip and I went to an Amos Lee concert at the zoo. It was a lot of fun. Allie slept through 90% of it and then hung out with the three week old boy who was sitting in front of us.

I think she's actually starting to have non gas related smiles. I was trying really hard to capture one yesterday. This is as close as I got.

Don't tell Madeline we were playing with her chair :-)

I don't know if Allie is going to be as much of a fan of dogs as her big sis'. Rudder has taken a fascination to Allie's feet. He kind of "chews" on them and then she cries. It's really weird.

Hanging out at the concert

Monday, August 24, 2009

Children's Hospital

Lawnmower Races

I was inside working when I had to come outside to see what Madeline was laughing hysterically over. Kip was "chasing" her with the lawnmower.

Ten Tiny Little Toes

Can't stop taking pictures of 'em


Allie's first Mariner's game. Remind you of this?

Madeline seems to really enjoy being a big sister. Sometimes she really wants to hold Allie but after five seconds gets freaked out. On this occassion she held her for awhile. In the end it was Allie who freaked out. :-) I am still amazed at how BIG Madeline seems.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

name that object

it's a hair clip! in the computer. not coming out. thanks mads. my card reader has suffered a similar fate...

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Thanks to her you have some pics

On Thursday afternoon Allie was sleeping more than her usual self. I was feeling flu-like and my temp was high so I thought I should also take Allie's as well. Of course the rectal/armpit thermometer was no where to be found so Kip ran to the store and bought two. After informing Megan that she had 104 (versus the 100.4) temp. we were told to go to the hospital. After clarifying that it was only 100.4 we were told to go if it got up to 103. At 11:50 PM it did so Allie and I loaded up the 'roo and headed out. Conveniently Megan failed to mention the catheter, blood draw and SPINAL TAP that this poor little bean had to go through. She also failed to mention that we were going to be held hostage for 48 hours. Gotta love her. All of the cultures came back negative for bacteria and her temp came down so we are home now, 6:00 on Saturday night. Allie, if you didn't want a party you could go about it in a different way next time! Anyhow, Megan insisted that we take pictures of Allie in the hospital which I did. Unfortunately all you get are the cell phone pics b/c I don't have a card reader anymore. Anyhow, very tired and quite sure I have strep throat so enjoy the pics!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Two Weeks Old

I have always loved the chair pictures of Hadley that Megan took so here I am...totally copying her idea. We grew A LOT over the last two weeks. Allie is weighing in at almost eight pounds (up 1 lb from her two day appt), and 20 5/8" (just over an inch in growth). That's 50th% for both height and weight.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


1. Why did I clean it up ten minutes earlier?

2. Why the need to empty everything from it's place?

3. Why is emptying so much more fun than putting it back?

The Cabin & Seafair

We escaped the 104 degree heat last week by going up to visit everyone at the cabin. It was a very moderate 85 degrees which was SO nice. Madeline had a blast with Tate and Had-ey and of course Baba, Zaide, Ryan and Megan.

Fortunately the temps cooled off for Seafair and the blue angels have a new number one fan. Oh, and apparently I fly Fat Albert. I am WAY cool...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My little sleeper

Second time around seems to be going so well! This girl immediately took to nursing and has been quite the little sleeper. I think having the extra 1.5lbs makes that easier to do. Keeping my fingers crossed that she keeps up the good sleep. 3 hours at night seems AMAZING!

Little Sister

She is one proud big sister who just LOVES to help out!