Tuesday, February 23, 2010
An email
I just had a great conversation with Maddie. Just so you know she has your phone and does a great job of answering it. Allie is sleeping, you are downstairs, Rudder is not playing with his ball toy, she is not playing with Thomas, she wants to come to my house and we love each other.
Better than when she answered my phone when a student called last week and told him I was in the bathroom.
Vancouver 2010
This weekend we went to my cousin's Olympic Party in Vancouver. My dad took us up on his boat. We had a great time. On Friday we loaded up the car and drove to Anacortes. We spent the night at the dock and then at first light on Saturday motored up to BC. We had two Coast Guard boats pull up alongside us to query us but were then sent on our way. This pictures uploaded in reverse order. This is a shot of both girls passed out at the party. I was shocked that Madeline fell asleep!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Troll Ave.
I was in Fremont yesterday with my dad so I thought it would be fun to show Madeline the troll. I L-O-V-E the troll. She didn't. In her perfect world my tires would have squealed out of there a bit faster. We did talk about the troll a lot on the way home though. She's ready to take on Santa and the Troll. Who believes her?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Nevermind that her pants are on inside out and backwards
I don't know how I've never been to a grocery store with one of these. At least when I had a child old enough to actually notice them but holy cow, what a perfect distraction. Unfortunately it puts her at eye level and within arms reach of stuff. Fortunately she was so happy in there she didn't care when I told her no.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Her first tooth!
We're going to Vancouver this weekend so we thought it would be coincidental had she also cut her first tooth on the way up (Madeline had hers poke through when he drove up for Baba's (my grandma) funeral) but she decided to do it last night. All night. At least now I know why she was screaming and am SO glad I was nice enough to provide some grape Tylenol.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Supermarket Sweepstakes!
Let's bring that show back! With these two not only can I ring up the bill but I am F-A-S-T!
And how cute is that little 6 month old sitting in the cart like a big girl? Lots of Costco shoppers agree w/ me.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Winter Olympics 2020
We went skiing on Sunday and had a fabulous time. Madeline was quite the trooper. After a few warm up runs with her "stick" (basically a t-bar that helps hold her up) she wanted to go "all by myself" and even wanted to do it on the "steep" part of the bunny hill. She's been talking about going up all week long and today has continued to ask when we're going up again. Oh, and this shouldn't be shocking but when Kip was skiing with her she kept demanding to go FASTER!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
You know the drill
pull out the camera and whatever you were trying to record stops. These two were CRACKING up. Madeline, as usual, is naked. I am not even sure what started it but Maddie started jumping and laughing and Allie found it humorous.