Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Bane of my Existence today

People, when they tell you to change your batteries every fall and spring DO IT. You want to know why? When you're enjoying your 1.5 hours of peace while you're two children are napping and the entire house starts screeching due to a failing battery life is not fun.

With a very quiet house to myself the fire alarm started going off so not knowing for sure what was going on I scooped both girls up, Madeline of course would have slept right through the entire thing, and ran downstairs. No smoke. We went outside to escape the ear piercing siren until it shut off. Thinking it was a fluke we went back upstairs only to have it go off again. Per Kip's advice I attemoted to change the batteries but not before I sent him 2 emails with pictures so that we could talk through the process. I got frustrated and gave up. For two minutes. Until the alarms started going off again. I ran around and replaced all of the batteries in our new smoke detectors that are quite easy to replace, just pop a button on the outside of the unit and out drops the old battery. This POS pictured was not so easy. I was a little hesitant to get the battery off because it felt like I was going to break the unit. With a screaming baby in her high chair, a panicky toddler running around the house like a crazy woman I said screw it, mustered up my "your child is in danger" mother strength and ripped the sucker out. Phew.

Like I said, replace your batteries people.


Laurie said...

yikes. Why does this sh*t always happen when 1. the dad is not home and 2. the babies are asleep. Life is NOT fair!

Meg said...

You're a lot more trusting of your fire alarms, I never would have woken a sleeping child, yet along two, unless my hair was on fire from the flames.

Emily Locke said...

of course it had to happen while they were napping! I guess you have your annual fire drill under your belt. :)

Kip said...

The addendum to that story: As I was checking the fire alarms and batteries (which were fine) a spider crawled out of the one causing the problems. Pretty sure it was the spider as no more false alarms have happened. So not an electronic problem as much as housekeeping.... :)

(even though I will suffer for that comment, it was worth it and I will absolutely do it again)

zaideafraidey said...

hmmmmm, so it is the housekeeping, guess you know what you will be doing from now on when you get off work!

zaideafraidey said...

that last comment was aimed at Kip Davis@!!@