Friday, July 9, 2010

The Ice Cream Truck / Mobile Detailing

The ice cream truck came singing down the street on Wednesday night. I would have ignored it but Kip took Maddie outside for her first ice cream truck experience.

I don't know what it was but seeing her there so shy yet so incredibly excited at the thought of a truck that brings ice cream right to you was so heart warming. I was excited for her. She honestly looked so cute it made my heart hurt. I was grinning from ear to ear. I know, maybe I have some extra hormones floating around or something.

Then checking out the side business this guy runs (I would guess you'd have can you make any money selling ice cream??) made my insides hurt because I wanted to laugh. This guy, so nice, but really so crusty.

She ended up with Sour Wower...and it didn't take her longer than 10 seconds to pick it out!

And then last night the truck came down the street again and she recognized immediately what it was. Isn't that crazy? Maybe I'm giving her too much credit. I was impressed though.


Laurie said...

yay for the ice cream truck! Every kid should have one thru their 'hood daily all summer long. We love the Spongebob bar with gumball eyes. Our ICT lady cruises through at about 30 mph so we can never flag her down.

Lis, cute story about a childhood ritual!

zaideafraidey said...

OMG my heart still races when I hear that melody. I can still remember hearing it and racing through the house to ask mom or more likely scrounge up whatever change could be found. It is stll hard for me not to buy one.

zaideafraidey said...

ps, great side view of the Kipper, he is getting skinny!!

Meg said...

You would have ignored the ice cream truck?!?!? What is wrong with you??? I can still remember Kip and I panicking, him running to stop the truck, me running to get money from the pig, and both of us shaking with excitement as we drooled over what popsicle we wanted.

Laurie said...

isn't it hilarious that NO ONE can hear the ICT song and not panic/start frantically searching for change/run screaming "ICE CREAM MAN! ICE CREAM MAN!'

zaideafraidey said...

you little brats stealing all of my pig money...I am in hopes that at least one of the times that cast iron porker tipped over on your foot in you panic!!