Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Neener Neener

Allie loves to make this face. When you make it back she laughs and laughs and laughs. And then squishes her face even more in return. So cute.

we grew beets!

This picture is random but I felt the need to give myself a shout-out. Kip left me his car on Saturday so I could take it to get a new battery. Well, it wouldn't even start trying to leave the house. Batteries FUH-REAK me out. I am always paranoid they're going to explode. So, I had to text Chris to make sure I was doing it correctly. Anyhow, got the car started and started to drive down to Costco when I realized THE CAR HAD NO GAS. Awesome. Two girls, no gas, car won't start if I shut if down. parked near the tire center at costco so they could help me out. I figured if I played damsel in distress well enough someone was bound to help. THEY DIDN'T HAVE THE BATTERY I NEEDED. So, got jumped at Costco and onto the next store, and the next. I had Siri with me so at our next stop she stayed in the car with the girls and the car running on fumes was left on. No dice. I dropped Siri off at her house so she could prepare for a dinner party and we sputtered into our last stop. two hours later we had our new battery purchased and put in. next stop after that? the gas station. Can I tell you how much I LOVED Kip that day? I did contemplate washing the car for him. I stopped at the contemplate part. :-)

On Sunday we went up to Anacortes. Here we are enjoying a classy breakfast at the San Juan Lanes. Who doesn't enjoy a good bowling alley meal?



Laurie said...

1. Allie's doing the Chinese Pig Nose!
2. Her haircut is so cute.
3. Kip should be shot.
4. What are YOU doing eating in a bowling alley Ms. Demco? Do they have food you can eat there?

zaideafraidey said...

Kip needs to be hurt badly...DO NOT be the little pal and do these jobs, and I completely understand what you mean about the exploding.