Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Face of a Liar

On Saturday the Renton Landing had it's second annual tree lighting ceremony. Despite the temps being in the negatives (not really but it was take-your-breath-away cold) we went. After the festivities at the Landing we went to Costco to see Santa. Now, prior to this day I was pretty unsure about the crying factor- i.e., was Maddie going to cry again for Santa. Actually, I lie. I was quite sure she would cry. But then Saturday she was pumped. She was jazzed. She could not WAIT to see Santa and it's all we could talk about.
First stop was meeting Donner and Dasher who were a tad stinky but very cute.

Allie also liked the reindeer but maybe the fact that no one had yet called CPS on me for letting her foot get a massive blister/infection and doing nothing about it had her in the doldrums. Or maybe it was the negative temps.
(Nah, we'll go with the fact that it probably hurt like hell to walk- she seems pretty cozy in that suit)

Next stop? Oh yes, "train" rides. And a twenty minute line for this awesome little train (wreck)(kidding) ride.
(NO those are NOT rubber tires. I have no clue what you're talking about)

So, even though Kip looks like he might murder someone (he was happy...no infectious blister to blame for his lack of smile) I had to post this shot because Maddie, for once, is SMILING a genuine smile for the camera. She loves her trains. Even if they do have rubber tires.

So, like I said after the Landing we headed off to see Santa. We got to the store, got in line, got out of line to go and take a peek (still super excited), fixed our hair- Allie pulled out a pigtail and lost the tie so we had to do some improvisation. Since I wasn't going to be in the shot so I was willing to sacrifice my tie.

Yeah, not in the shot.

Now, mind you I have no problem with crying Santa pics but there wouldn't have been a Santa picture if I hadn't been there to actually physically hold her in it. When the time came this girl choked with a capital C. I was so happy walking towards Santa thinking to myself, "wow! No crying this year" when I caught out of the corner of my eye a little girl splayed out on the concrete floor in need of some Xanax. Which of course then set Allie off. The picture was doomed. But that's what makes it hilarious right?

Anyhow, like I said, the face of a liar: (a mere moments from our shot to ask the big guy for a play-doh squisher)


Laurie said...

at least you and Kip look happy. LOVE the liar liar pants on fire. Crying Santa pix are a tradition so no worries.

Katie said...

LOVE the crying santa pic.

Emily Locke said...

I love the adults' expressions--hurry up and take the picture! We have a santa picture where you can see my mom's hand from behind santa's chair holding up my screaming brother.

zaideafraidey said...

OMG wish me luck, I am taking all three this week to see Santa...by myself. Shirley has always accompanied me on this joy ride, I sure hope she is there in strong spirit, or somehow I can impress upon them that instead of Santa watching, Gigi is!!

Meg said...

It KILLS me when parents are in Santa photos...you and the Kok's, it's always a family affair. Lol funny!!!! Oh Mads, I love that you're all talk. And if Santy doesn't come through just because of a little tears, I'll get you your playdoh squisher.

Unknown said...

I love this! And is it wrong that I am secretly enjoying that Allie is scared of Santa because Maddie is? What would those two do if they actually caught Santa delivering presents? You and Kip are champs.