Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Bravern

On Saturday the 19th we ventured on over to The Bravern in downtown Bellevue.  Per the Seattle Times "Weekend Happenings" The Bravern was having their Christmas tree lighting, Santa sightings and pony rides.  Remember our October post about riding ponies?  We were going to stop that 2 year waiting-to-ride-a-pony clock.  So we loaded everyone up and wandered around.  And NOTHING was going on.  After finding the concierge we received the bad news that the Times had misprinted the date.  The ponies don't show up until this weekend.  To soften the blow she gave both girls a coupon for a cupcake at Trophy. 

And they got to ride this guy

Needless to say, we'll be heading back in the next week or two.  Apparently the ponies are there every Saturday and Sunday until Christmas.  Anyone want to join us?

1 comment:

Laurie said...

LOVE the reindeer ride. That's way better than a scary pony. Plus cupcakes!