Monday, February 27, 2012


Kip lets the girls dress themselves.

Yes, it was in the 40s.  No she was not wearing tights.  Yes she was eager to show everyone her leotard. No she did not like the sun in her eyes.  Yes, those are Sorels she's wearing with her tutu.


jillybean said...

When I saw her yesterday I have to say that she was quite proud of her outfit and wanted me to look at what she was wearing as soon as I saw her.

Laurie said...

now THAT'S an outfit. I'd say she is red carpet ready!

zaideafraidey said...

with legs like those who wouldn't want to show them off, did she have on trainers???

Sue said...

Oh Zaides - she didn't NEED trainers - she had on a ballet suit!

Lis said...

She did have undies on. And sue is correct. It was a leotard type thing. Ballet suit works. I don't know what they're called.

Meg said...

Rachael Zoe would be proud.

Laurie said...

she and R. Zoe are definitely Separated at Birth. And Al certainly doesn't need underpants. She is completely ready to party.