Saturday, May 12, 2012


Zaide took the ladies to a movie and ice cream today. I'm totally starting to get why people let grandparents raise their kids. They have way more energy, they're way nicer, and way more patient.

Too bad for my girls...they're stuck with me and they're going to go to bed early tonight.


Laurie said...

Grandparents are the BEST. And Zaids is the best of the best. Does she want a slightly older grandchild? I volunteer.

PS how fun to take a posse of girls out to a movie! I'm sure that's way better than a gang of boys who just want to play the video games in the lobby and sit in the very front row and only want to see movies that feature robots, death machines, and fart jokes. Preferably all 3 in the same movie.

zaideafraidey said...

adored having that posse. All those wonderful adjectives would be easily bestowed on parents if YOU didn't have to get up with them at all hours, be there 24/7 for the tantrums etc. Gparenting is the best.

Sue said...

well said, Zaids, well said

Meg said...

LOVE these. And we all lucked out in the Grandparent department...but no one is as lucky as these kids.