Saturday, June 16, 2012


We did it. 0600 wheels were up to fly down to Portland for the Spartan race. It was a 5K but with a lot of hills, a lot of mud, a lot of carrying heavy crap, a lot of tall walls to clear yourself over, a really high cargo net to climb and a plethora of other obstacles that made me want to cry. It was a blast. I need a manicure and pedicure to get the embedded dirt out of my fingers and toes and about 4 more showers to get the rest of the grime off my body. Thank you to Zaide and Baba for watching the girls!


Laurie said...

sounds insane. and insanely fun!

Sue said...

I'm going with just insane

Katie said...

looks horrible (the obstacle part) and fun (the dirty part)... :)

are you gonna join us on the Color Run?!?!

jillybean said...

Bravo to Kip and Lis. Going up that mud mountain looks challenging. I personally would not enjoy the yucky feeling of mud on every part of my body.