Sunday, June 24, 2012


Allie has been wanting to review acceptable vs unacceptable language lately. Today while she and I were taking a shower she looked up at me and said "mama, is it ok if I say oh dammit"? Except with her toddler accent it sounds like "oh DeAmit" which is really hard not to laugh at.

On Saturday while on a timeout that someone forgot to release her from she was found with her nose against the wall SLEEPING.

After waiting since October when Auntie Megan sent a Halloween fun package Maddie finally worked up the courage to put in her purple teeth today. Always at her own pace...


Laurie said...

that reminds me of when 3 year old Cara asked me if "OHSHIT" was my favorite word :-)

jillybean said...

Allie almost got a timeout from her swimming instructor yesterday for saying a 'bad' word. Of course it was Maddie who made sure the teacher knew of Allie's use of an unacceptable word at class.

Meg said...

So funny. Hads asked me, the other day, if it was okay to say 'nards'. I about fell off my chair. Then promptly said, 'It's only okay to say it if you are hitting someone in theirs.' I stumped her. She has no idea what they are. I love having kids.