Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pre-K Celebration

Last Wednesday Maddie's class had their pre-k celebration ceremony. Nonna, Hadley, Carson and Zaide all came to watch, and Maddie couldn't have been more pleased to see her fan club in attendance.

The kids all made their own caps. Maddie's stayed on for about half a second.

Bossy Betty was very helpful with Carson's cupcake

Bossy Betty Sr. was very helpful with the bounce toy


Laurie said...

I'm assuming Carsie is allowed to boss Ruddy and Frank or else he's really low man on the totem pole.

Heart Maddie's plumber's crack and her bashful smile!

Sue said...

what fun! Look out Kindergarten - 3 crazy woman are headed your way!

jillybean said...

There was a very cute slide show presentation by Maddie's teacher at the graduation. It was a very nice end to the school year for Maddie and her 18 friends.