Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Kip loves that Madeline's new book has his name in it

Don't you wish you had lashes like these?


Jocelyn said...

yes, i love her lashes and the shots of her looking down are really cute. i love the one with her smiling and showing her cute little teeth too.

Laurie said...

wow those lashes! At least they are on a girl, usually it's the baby boys who get the fab eyelashes. And yeah for Kippy! He will have to read that book every night.

zaideafraidey said...

I love those big girl toofies.

Meg said...

She'll be getting her 6 year molars in no time.

Sue said...

start saving for the braces! - and Lis, you have lashes exactly like that!

Hope said...

Great shots Lis.