Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Loving' the Sun

We're off to Tofino, B.C. on Thursday. Thought I'd put up a couple more pics before we leave :-) Have a great fourth of July! Thank you Baba & Zaide for watching Rudder (aka he's just a baby, he doesn't know any better)

Monday, June 29, 2009

The real reason I set this blog to private:

No, not because there are a million pictures of my dog...

Or that somehow I uploaded a picture of our "nice" grass

But this. T-R-A-G-I-C. Both of these girls, the blond and this one have really pretty hair. They have really pretty hair but HORRIBLE haircuts. I HAD to take a picture of the mullet. Kip and I both thought that perhaps she had cut it herself. Two reasons why this is not possible: 1) the bangs are cut PERFECTLY straight and 2) The little sis' has the same 'do. Poor kids...

Now these I also had to post. Madeline is getting quite good at the backstroke. Love the chubby thighs coming out of the water.

And her most favorite swimming activity? Yup. This girl would do anything to spend her 30 min swimming lesson either jumping in or going down the slide.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gotta Love the Self-Timer

Kip, Madeline and I had our pictures taken with Jocelyn last week. As we are great planners in life he and I both had haircuts TODAY. Oh well... I can't believe I got one of the three of us smiling!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day...TO ME

I have really wanted to buy a prime lens for my camera for awhile. Finally, on Sunday, I went for it. Kip told me to stop being cheap and buy the freaking thing. When I went into the store they had a used one for $20-30 less than the new one I was buying so of course I agonized over my decision and begged the salespeople to make it for me. They wouldn't. Actually, I was kind of annoyed because I truly did just want their opinion which they wouldn't give. But, I went with the new one and I've been playing around with it. Still learning how to actually take pictures with some level of creativity. I was CONVINCED this would solve all my problems. It didn't but it's fun to play with at least! These were taken today about 2 hours into Madeline's nap and right before her swimming lesson that Sam so kindly took her to.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rock Climber

If I can't find Madeline it's usually because I am not looking up. I keep her shoes on a high shelf in her closet and kept finding them on the floor in her room and throughout the house. I could not figure out why until one day I went into her bedroom and voila, there she was climbing her closet shelves. Another time I followed her around upstairs and she climbed her changing table like a ladder. It promptly got moved away from the window it was next to. (oh, and I think she's saying "good job")

The Cutest Thing EVER

I know. I am a dork. BUT, I happen to find this very very cute.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Uncle Chris

Taking a walk through the mosquito infested wetlands. Madeline LOVES Tiss and Fia (aka Chris and Sophia)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Swimming with Sonja

I went over to my parent's house today, asked Sonja if she wanted to swim and directed Madeline her way. No way was I going in. Too cold!! Madeline loved it and loved to ask "Soda" to "Hol Han" (hold hands) After dealing with two very irritating labs for a long while Sonja gave up and went to the house. I unfortunately was left with Madeline who did not, despite her blue lips, want to get out of the water.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Child does NOT like to sleep

Last night Madeline really wanted to play out in the yard. It was past her "bedtime" (that is kind of a joke) but we let her anyhow.

This is her "if I smile big enough maybe I won't have to come inside" look

This is her "I am not happy with you" look after I told her it was time for bed.

This is what it looks like to get ignored by a two year old.

This picture is for Hadley who had probably been sleeping for hours when this sunset occured.

This is a picture of my child faking that she is going to sleep. She didn't actually fall asleep until after ten. She kept trying to sneak downstairs...no idea what for. She loves to close doors though so every time she would leave her room she'd close the door and give herself away. Of course she is now sleeping and I have to go wake her up to go to work. Perfect.