Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Rudder is so patient. He deserves an award. Seriously. Allie regularly dresses him up. Maddie puts him on his leash and bosses him around. I guess some attention is better than none right?

(by the way, if you can't tell she's making him shake so she can put a shoe on him)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This girl NEEDS her naps. Whoa. Steer clear around 3:15.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Kip lets the girls dress themselves.

Yes, it was in the 40s.  No she was not wearing tights.  Yes she was eager to show everyone her leotard. No she did not like the sun in her eyes.  Yes, those are Sorels she's wearing with her tutu.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Happy birthday Kip! I cannot believe I've known you for 1/3 of my life. These past 11 years have FLOWN (no pun intended) by. I still think you're the most hilarious, intelligent, and thoughtful guy. My most favorite part about today? (yup, it's about me) you saying your favorite thing about skiing is hanging out with me. I thought you asked what my SECOND favorite thing about skiing was when I said the rush from going fast...because if I had heard you correctly I would have said the exact same thing as you. 

You're the best. 

Happy, happy, happy birthday!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Nothing better than booty

And for me? Nothing better than laughing at the girls talking about how much they LOOOOVE booty.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Can you tell how thrilled she is about her spring break? Yup, that's a passport picture. I was so hoping to replace her alien baby passport pic with a cute almost five year old picture. It was not in the cards today. 

Instead we spent an HOUR at Costco with a freaked out (more like enraged/frustrated) mom, an over-the-phone therapy session with dad, and a young Costco employee wandering how he got stuck with us.

 We started our morning with an adventure to Woodinville. Except googlemaps suck and we were driving for an hour and a half for what should have been a 30 minute trip. We ended up very west when we should have been very east. Regardless, we got our stuff done and headed towards Costco. I knew there was one in Kirkland but once again I followed my phone to a Costco aka FRED MEYER. So back onto the freeway (I am sure there's a more direct route but I was going with what I knew) and over to the Kirkland store. We waited 20 minutes for it to open and proceeded inside giddy about getting our picture taken. And then all that giddiness was replaced with utter horror that a STUPID BOY was going to take our picture. After many pleas, body contortions trying to comfort her without being in the picture, and threats that she wouldn't get to go to Mexico all three of us headed back to the car, empty handed, and crying. It was awesome. I completely lost it. And I have never so badly wanted to ditch my kid. I didn't. I stayed calm. We talked and she promised to go back inside and actually look at the camera. We did the walk of shame and sheepishly asked for one more try (He earned his $5 today folks).

And here is our result.  But she's happy that she gets to go to Mexico.  And she's talking a big game with her dad that she is ready to have other pictures taken.  All I know is that it won't be me taking her to get them taken.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Thank goodness for friends...

 We were going stir crazy round these parts.  And to top it off, after we played both girls came home and took naps. Now if only it were 20 degrees warmer.  I am so excited for spring/summer weather.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Rain or shine the alley is where it's at. My little Allie was so proud that she put her own helmet on today. I made her hold still while I ran inside to grab my camera.

 I still am having issues with uploading pictures. I can only do it from a google chrome album. has anyone else had this? How did you fix it?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Well, she's back to the "Mama, I'm not tired, I don't want to take a nap."  But at least she's writing sweet notes to her baby sister.

Translated:  Allie, you are very smart.  I love you.  From Maddie"

She sounded it all out on her own. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Okay, I am having major blog issues.  I keep getting error messages that I'm unable to upload anymore pics.  I've downloaded GoogleChrome and for the moment things appear to be working but keep your fingers cross I can figure this out.  

Ahh, and how great are labs? They'll let two crazy munchkins jump all over them...

Sunday, February 19, 2012


For months we've been driving by the horse billboard.  On our way to the gym, on our way to Maddie's school...every.single.time the girls would shout "horse!" Okay, I lie.  There were quite a few times that Allie shouted "unicorn!"

Thanks to a very special lady the girls got to go.  And for an almost three hour show the girls were amazing.  One small problem with a $4 water being dropped down the bleachers a mere 1/2 second after it was opened and one other small problem of an over-tired child professing her hate for me after we had to leave the playground outside the show...

Other than that Larry King was right. It is the best show on earth.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Taking bikini barista to a whole new level

Both girls love to make their dad's coffee in the morning

Friday, February 17, 2012


Oh the anticipation of drawing the much feared "old maid."

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Look how stiff and uncomfortable Rudder is.  He's not allowed on the furniture.  At all.  Normally he sleeps with Madeline but on *special* nights the girls get to sleep he was kind of lost.  I kept slapping the bed trying to gesture him to get up.  He'd hop up and immediately jump right back off.  The girls thought it was hilarious.

Score two for me (sleeping with sister AND dog...a dream come true.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My little diva. 

Funny story: Allie had to go pee really bad when we went to pick up Maddie today so we ran inside her class to go.  Apparently we went into the boy's bathroom because Maddie kept announcing we were NOT allowed to use that bathroom.  I ignored her.  She kept insisting. Then I saw the seat.  I listened.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Monday, February 13, 2012


counting down the days... if this mild weather continues I think we're a mere week (if they're on the early side) out!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


oh my god I'm tired.

We had fun.

Once our darling daughter got over her FREAK out over having her pass picture taken.

And if anyone wants to buy me a new helmet not only would it provide better head protection but also mental health protection.  Kip thinks I look like a mushroom and isn't shy about telling me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Morning flights with fun students and beautiful weather makes me So, So, SO happy.  You really can't beat the views. And you really can't help but smile... Until they try and land. 

Friday, February 10, 2012


Thursday, February 9, 2012


I was feeling pretty nice today...

Honestly, normally I'm not.  But they made their own personal pizzas.  And  they chowed them down. Along with a salad...

Maddie got her February school lunch today.  Chocolate milk, cake, cookies.  We had a discussion.  Is it weird that her teacher didn't say/do anything?  I get that it's not necessarily the teacher's place to interject feelings/mores on food issues but don't you think a 4 year old choosing dessert for her lunch might be redirected to go and pick up some veggies?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


While we wait for Maddie to get out of school we practice our hand-to-eye coordination...gotta break the cycle early.  Kip is moritfied anytime I have to play any sports with balls. (that's what she said)

Allie is getting quite good at catching.  And she thinks it's hilarious and does her evil laugh (I really need to video it) every time she catches the ball.

Unfortunately we still need to work on the walking.  She fell today in the dining room and cracked open her head and lip.  It was really sad.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


A trifecta:

A visiting puppy that knocked baby sister over multiple times
Hanging with the ladies in the coop
A new little chair feeder (thanks Nonna) that we can put fresh corn on the cob on.  (the chickens LOVED it)

Monday, February 6, 2012


I know, I know...enough of the alley already.  The light is beautiful, the girls love it, and dad was totally willing to race today.


This girl loves her fancy skirts.  And she's always willing to give a good twirl.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


The Prentice Clan came down today for a visit.  Maddie has been so excited to show Hadley her chickens.  And we welcome Hadley and Carson with open arms to come any day of the week.  Maddie took a LONG nap after they left.

Can you even believe they're almost five???


And the obligatory nake-o pic.  Somehow these girls manage to get naked every single time they hang out together.  And even though it was sunny, it was most definitely not warm. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Too pretty not to share.

Picture courtesy of Sonja
(And today's sunrise)

Friday, February 3, 2012



How amazing was the sunshine today?

I'm pretty sure we are a walking Pemco Insurance commercial.  We drove around with our windows down and no jackets on.  Speaking of no jackets...On Wednesday I took Allie to swimming and brought her down to the car with her bathing suit and a towel.  A neighbor was walking by, that we don't have the best of relationships with (Rudder jumped on her when he was a baby), so I said hi.  She commented that Allie was quite the talker.  I said, "yes she is.  She pretty much goes nonstop."  And then she commented on how chilly it was and I agreed.  I told her we were off to swimming.  And then she said, "Oh, i thought you were a bad mother since she didn't have a jacket."  I laughed.  I am a bad mother a lot of the time.  But don't I get one point for taking her to swim class?

Anyhow, back to today.  We played in the alley again.

And, another Pemco moment:

Yes, we had our ladies in the alley with us.  And Rudder. (Who could care less by the way...he only had eyes for his ball)

Allie said she wanted to hold a chicken.  A major milestone for this one.

But she was a faker.  I think she's a non-toucher just like her mama.

They're pretty cute I guess.

And then we had more races.  Allie LOVES to race.  I think we've got a future track star on our hands.  As long as she really is the UPS driver's daughter because Kip and I are not speedy.

And if riding bikes, playing with chickens, and racing isn't quite enough you go ahead and make a "fire" and roast marshmallows.

And while you're busy roasting, your auntie and uncle surprise you with a visit.  And even oblige you and chase you around for a bit.

Keep your fingers this warm weather stays around for a bit.  It makes everyone so happy.